4x5 Battens (Morale), Plastic Canvas for Sale
Page information
Current Status | EXPIRED | Maximum Reservation Date | Until : 25-02-2023 |
4x5 Battens (Morale), Plastic Canvas for Sale Property forRent/Sale/Wanted | Sale | Telephone Number/E-mail | [Contact Expired] E-mail: |
Number of Items | 99 Items | Location/State/City | Addis Ababa other |
Price | 150 ETB |
I'm selling used 4x5 Morale (Battens) & Plastic Canvas in good condition with details below.
- Australia & Shashamane Factory mixed
*Quantity: 2m =261pcs, 1m = 10pcs, 3m =74pcs, Extra = 29m
* Price: 2m=100birr/pcs, 1m=50birr/pcs, 3m=150birr/pcs
- Plastic Canvas (Shera)
* Quantity: 3x2=444m2, 2x2= 208m2, 1x2= 40m2
* Price: 15birr/m2
- Price are slightly negotiable
- Buyer will cover transportation cost
True buyers please DM on this contact,
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